all postcodes in NG23 / NEWARK

find any address or company within the NG23 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG23 5BB 19 0 53.032911 -0.737743
NG23 5BD 26 1 53.033213 -0.735706
NG23 5BE 22 1 53.030251 -0.734465
NG23 5BF 4 0 53.031591 -0.736991
NG23 5BG 6 0 53.031738 -0.733065
NG23 5BH 11 0 53.03228 -0.731647
NG23 5BJ 58 1 53.031104 -0.72931
NG23 5BL 7 0 53.030757 -0.732139
NG23 5BN 16 0 53.031806 -0.728514
NG23 5BP 6 0 53.030124 -0.721719
NG23 5BQ 22 1 53.032553 -0.732802
NG23 5BS 19 0 53.030459 -0.728628
NG23 5BT 5 0 53.030837 -0.698719
NG23 5BU 20 0 53.030525 -0.702262
NG23 5BW 9 0 53.030094 -0.727267
NG23 5BX 13 0 53.029307 -0.700241
NG23 5BY 23 0 53.02951 -0.697934
NG23 5BZ 6 0 53.030073 -0.698727
NG23 5DA 7 0 53.032431 -0.682669
NG23 5DB 8 0 53.031408 -0.699999