all postcodes in NG2 / NOTTINGHAM

find any address or company within the NG2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG2 1RW 6 5 52.933114 -1.168289
NG2 1RX 9 9 52.937203 -1.168967
NG2 1EN 7 52.941435 -1.163858
NG2 1EP 8 52.940562 -1.163471
NG2 1AE 18 52.941103 -1.166558
NG2 1JW 17 0 52.939762 -1.153638
NG2 1JU 7 0 52.939506 -1.154209
NG2 1AN 23 0 52.939279 -1.15396
NG2 1JQ 1 1 52.941987 -1.151765
NG2 1AP 2 52.934886 -1.161602
NG2 1AL 3 3 52.944205 -1.157763
NG2 1BJ 1 1 52.947281 -1.152926
NG2 1AR 1 1 52.928631 -1.164804
NG2 1QG 0 52.941995 -1.15889
NG2 1QL 0 52.941523 -1.158229
NG2 1AS 1 52.934886 -1.161602
NG2 2DF 4 3 52.942657 -1.149906
NG2 2DR 7 2 52.940918 -1.145565
NG2 2DU 44 1 52.940462 -1.145931
NG2 2DW 25 1 52.938762 -1.145712