all postcodes in NG2 / NOTTINGHAM

find any address or company within the NG2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG2 2DX 16 0 52.938686 -1.145252
NG2 2EA 41 0 52.940243 -1.144239
NG2 2EB 19 0 52.939417 -1.1443
NG2 2ED 55 1 52.93906 -1.143474
NG2 2EE 35 1 52.938342 -1.143682
NG2 2EF 29 1 52.93787 -1.142932
NG2 2EG 17 0 52.937711 -1.143307
NG2 2EH 7 0 52.936585 -1.143106
NG2 2EJ 20 0 52.937127 -1.143483
NG2 2EN 8 0 52.93849 -1.144185
NG2 2EP 40 1 52.938905 -1.144459
NG2 2EQ 22 2 52.939994 -1.144601
NG2 2ER 32 0 52.93799 -1.147111
NG2 2ES 46 0 52.93866 -1.146517
NG2 2ET 6 2 52.937545 -1.144069
NG2 2EU 37 2 52.939274 -1.146907
NG2 2EW 36 0 52.940223 -1.146368
NG2 2EX 31 0 52.940216 -1.146695
NG2 2EZ 40 2 52.941198 -1.146959
NG2 2FA 32 0 52.940174 -1.147142