all postcodes in NG8 / NOTTINGHAM

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Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG8 1LE 27 0 52.957752 -1.2007
NG8 1LF 45 0 52.95773 -1.202784
NG8 1LG 51 0 52.95869 -1.202499
NG8 1LH 33 0 52.957395 -1.199709
NG8 1NA 38 2 52.956794 -1.1932
NG8 1NB 17 1 52.957321 -1.194113
NG8 1ND 39 0 52.958858 -1.196705
NG8 1NE 43 0 52.959349 -1.201579
NG8 1NF 44 0 52.959645 -1.206813
NG8 1NG 40 0 52.959182 -1.196684
NG8 1NH 40 0 52.959628 -1.201544
NG8 1NJ 40 0 52.959959 -1.206733
NG8 1NN 9 0 52.95873 -1.195055
NG8 1NQ 53 0 52.955875 -1.194259
NG8 1NR 6 0 52.958181 -1.193695
NG8 1NS 26 0 52.958661 -1.194088
NG8 1NT 23 1 52.959124 -1.194839
NG8 1NU 21 0 52.959089 -1.193619
NG8 1PA 34 1 52.95731 -1.192491
NG8 1PB 55 0 52.958059 -1.192805