all postcodes in NG8 / NOTTINGHAM

find any address or company within the NG8 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG8 1PD 46 0 52.959079 -1.19222
NG8 1PE 26 1 52.956379 -1.19166
NG8 1PF 32 0 52.958186 -1.190391
NG8 1PG 24 0 52.956309 -1.190619
NG8 1PH 39 0 52.956651 -1.189452
NG8 1PJ 39 0 52.956664 -1.189943
NG8 1PL 9 0 52.956068 -1.187006
NG8 1PN 5 1 52.955903 -1.186533
NG8 1PQ 31 6 52.95715 -1.186138
NG8 1PT 1 1 52.957912 -1.18584
NG8 1PU 51 0 52.956366 -1.185884
NG8 1PW 11 0 52.956598 -1.186862
NG8 1PY 8 0 52.957271 -1.186701
NG8 1PZ 12 0 52.956976 -1.186989
NG8 1QA 20 0 52.956766 -1.186472
NG8 1QB 50 0 52.95819 -1.187026
NG8 1QD 9 1 52.956853 -1.187408
NG8 1QE 40 0 52.95822 -1.187517
NG8 1WQ 1 1 52.959863 -1.222128
NG8 1WW 1 0 52.959863 -1.222128