all postcodes in NG8 / NOTTINGHAM

find any address or company within the NG8 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG8 3NQ 0 52.967548 -1.199015
NG8 3NR 1 52.965727 -1.200895
NG8 3NW 0 52.962456 -1.190445
NG8 3NX 0 52.962373 -1.191414
NG8 3NY 0 52.962488 -1.192395
NG8 3NZ 0 52.96176 -1.192497
NG8 3PA 0 52.965072 -1.186436
NG8 3PB 0 52.963715 -1.189156
NG8 3PD 0 52.962576 -1.189505
NG8 3PE 2 52.962631 -1.188387
NG8 3PF 0 52.961466 -1.186295
NG8 3PG 0 52.961249 -1.188755
NG8 3PH 0 52.961396 -1.189184
NG8 3PJ 0 52.961078 -1.189949
NG8 3PL 1 52.959493 -1.186957
NG8 3PN 0 52.959847 -1.187471
NG8 3PP 0 52.96051 -1.187132
NG8 3PQ 0 52.960286 -1.187255
NG8 3PR 0 52.961048 -1.186987
NG8 3PZ 0 52.959863 -1.222128