all postcodes in NG8 / NOTTINGHAM

find any address or company within the NG8 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG8 3RP 1 52.959863 -1.222128
NG8 3DZ 0 52.966594 -1.20411
NG8 3DX 0 52.967053 -1.204176
NG8 3DY 10 0 52.966922 -1.203419
NG8 3BF 0 52.968682 -1.211219
NG8 3BG 0 52.968501 -1.210999
NG8 3BP 1 52.961021 -1.213621
NG8 3GX 0 52.963444 -1.201932
NG8 3NS 2 0 52.964788 -1.198587
NG8 3PS 0 52.965452 -1.199677
NG8 3PT 0 52.965304 -1.199129
NG8 3PU 0 52.964617 -1.19996
NG8 3QD 0 52.964493 -1.197565
NG8 3QE 0 52.963999 -1.197574
NG8 3QH 0 52.964819 -1.196532