all postcodes in NG8 / NOTTINGHAM

find any address or company within the NG8 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG8 5RB 0 52.973318 -1.208156
NG8 5RD 0 52.973787 -1.205661
NG8 5RE 0 52.973117 -1.202293
NG8 5RF 0 52.973177 -1.205896
NG8 5RG 0 52.97262 -1.20187
NG8 5RL 0 52.971872 -1.206992
NG8 5RR 28 52.971514 -1.200521
NG8 5RS 1 52.972161 -1.20176
NG8 5RT 0 52.972715 -1.206768
NG8 5RU 2 52.971943 -1.204191
NG8 5RW 5 52.972291 -1.207877
NG8 5RX 7 52.972917 -1.209995
NG8 5RY 0 52.973329 -1.21386
NG8 5RZ 0 52.973594 -1.21183
NG8 5SA 0 52.974005 -1.21422
NG8 5SB 0 52.974414 -1.212098
NG8 5SD 0 52.973982 -1.212076
NG8 5SE 0 52.973822 -1.209666
NG8 5SF 0 52.974161 -1.209139
NG8 5SG 0 52.974744 -1.21032