all postcodes in NG8 / NOTTINGHAM

find any address or company within the NG8 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG8 5NS 0 52.97982 -1.204552
NG8 5NT 0 52.980313 -1.204246
NG8 5NU 0 52.980353 -1.202294
NG8 5NW 0 52.980527 -1.199967
NG8 5NX 0 52.980749 -1.200976
NG8 5NY 0 52.982369 -1.198518
NG8 5PD 0 52.97482 -1.204212
NG8 5PE 0 52.975361 -1.204441
NG8 5PF 0 52.975287 -1.201464
NG8 5PG 0 52.975209 -1.200557
NG8 5PH 0 52.977032 -1.2003
NG8 5PJ 1 52.977156 -1.20137
NG8 5PL 0 52.977876 -1.202875
NG8 5PN 2 52.977105 -1.204483
NG8 5PP 0 52.977165 -1.205391
NG8 5PQ 0 52.976434 -1.206298
NG8 5PR 1 52.976105 -1.208135
NG8 5PS 0 52.977562 -1.206962
NG8 5PT 0 52.977171 -1.206329
NG8 5PU 0 52.977968 -1.204452