all postcodes in NN14 / KETTERING

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Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN14 3JN 2 0 52.401828 -0.543998
NN14 3JP 7 0 52.398377 -0.549007
NN14 3JQ 26 0 52.462847 -0.612508
NN14 3JR 6 0 52.399593 -0.550687
NN14 3JS 35 2 52.39986 -0.549767
NN14 3JT 37 2 52.395558 -0.548849
NN14 3JU 4 1 52.396727 -0.546475
NN14 3JW 8 8 52.393626 -0.574778
NN14 3JX 4 0 52.400003 -0.550395
NN14 3JY 41 1 52.402789 -0.551904
NN14 3JZ 2 0 52.399667 -0.549581
NN14 3LA 6 0 52.402461 -0.548462
NN14 3LB 24 1 52.401969 -0.549433
NN14 3LD 41 0 52.403621 -0.549938
NN14 3LE 1 0 52.402812 -0.549229
NN14 3LF 16 0 52.397908 -0.547435
NN14 3LG 20 0 52.401909 -0.550596
NN14 3LH 7 2 52.397527 -0.551578
NN14 3LJ 9 0 52.398647 -0.551997
NN14 3LL 3 0 52.400814 -0.550515