all postcodes in NN14 / KETTERING

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Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN14 3LN 11 0 52.412726 -0.441602
NN14 3LQ 18 0 52.399089 -0.552115
NN14 3LS 33 0 52.40279 -0.550362
NN14 3LT 2 0 52.405585 -0.56059
NN14 3LU 10 0 52.457977 -0.606642
NN14 3LW 5 0 52.402115 -0.551825
NN14 3LX 3 0 52.45798 -0.607643
NN14 3LY 4 1 52.400803 -0.551838
NN14 3LZ 12 0 52.460204 -0.609442
NN14 3NA 8 0 52.441416 -0.62042
NN14 3NB 1 0 52.435456 -0.622828
NN14 3NG 3 0 52.458716 -0.634524
NN14 3NZ 2 0 52.422901 -0.497803
NN14 3SL 1 0 52.419552 -0.602207
NN14 3UT 6 0 52.423663 -0.518161
NN14 3UU 5 0 52.426415 -0.522584
NN14 3ZT 1 1 52.396737 -0.538728
NN14 3FD 2 2 52.400553 -0.553624
NN14 3FB 0 52.462397 -0.611093
NN14 3FE 1 0 52.446104 -0.61396