all postcodes in NN16 / KETTERING

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Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN16 8TD 17 52.405215 -0.739475
NN16 8TF 1 52.397889 -0.731805
NN16 8TH 2 52.39933 -0.728971
NN16 8TJ 0 52.398327 -0.730735
NN16 8TL 7 52.398422 -0.730364
NN16 8TN 1 52.400149 -0.72958
NN16 8TP 1 52.396239 -0.732176
NN16 8TT 0 52.397234 -0.737189
NN16 8TU 0 52.397147 -0.736353
NN16 8TW 0 52.4019 -0.753033
NN16 8TX 0 52.397568 -0.739545
NN16 8TY 1 52.396693 -0.740188
NN16 8TZ 0 52.398167 -0.743526
NN16 8UA 0 52.398467 -0.742989
NN16 8UB 0 52.400962 -0.745946
NN16 8UD 0 52.401298 -0.745363
NN16 8UE 0 52.39871 -0.740483
NN16 8UF 0 52.399966 -0.743549
NN16 8UG 0 52.39808 -0.737885
NN16 8UH 0 52.399579 -0.736798