all postcodes in NN18 / CORBY

find any address or company within the NN18 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN18 8RH 17 1 52.466001 -0.702631
NN18 8RD 30 0 52.467526 -0.700924
NN18 8RE 17 0 52.467463 -0.702367
NN18 8RF 33 0 52.468037 -0.703042
NN18 8RG 27 0 52.468794 -0.703255
NN18 8RJ 27 0 52.466625 -0.706249
NN18 8RL 15 0 52.466025 -0.705663
NN18 8RN 0 52.466798 -0.708982
NN18 8DJ 57 0 52.477543 -0.700834
NN18 8EN 40 0 52.477173 -0.700727
NN18 8FB 12 0 52.478013 -0.70107
NN18 8FD 60 0 52.478333 -0.700737
NN18 8RP 44 0 52.476259 -0.705083
NN18 8RS 32 0 52.477557 -0.706222
NN18 8RT 13 0 52.47487 -0.70324
NN18 8RQ 58 0 52.477562 -0.705103
NN18 8BF 21 0 52.481448 -0.694578
NN18 8FF 0 52.47822 -0.703612
NN18 8FG 0 52.478945 -0.702471
NN18 8RR 0 52.47654 -0.697977