all postcodes in NN18 / CORBY

find any address or company within the NN18 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN18 8JF 1 52.472905 -0.707729
NN18 8WZ 1 52.494758 -0.677966
NN18 8QN 35 0 52.466739 -0.706849
NN18 8QP 21 0 52.467306 -0.708569
NN18 8QH 42 0 52.467659 -0.707911
NN18 8QF 24 0 52.466549 -0.703454
NN18 8QG 4 0 52.467055 -0.705309
NN18 8QJ 15 0 52.466603 -0.704291
NN18 8QL 12 0 52.466105 -0.703158
NN18 8QQ 37 0 52.466136 -0.706837
NN18 8QR 26 0 52.464762 -0.705258
NN18 8QS 13 0 52.464661 -0.702626
NN18 8QT 17 14 52.473412 -0.707007
NN18 8QU 0 52.465386 -0.706462
NN18 8QW 0 52.464758 -0.705759
NN18 8QX 0 52.463925 -0.705194
NN18 8QY 0 52.463879 -0.704254
NN18 8QZ 16 0 52.465412 -0.704753
NN18 8RA 7 0 52.465574 -0.70469
NN18 8RB 4 0 52.465043 -0.703896