all postcodes in NN18 / CORBY

find any address or company within the NN18 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN18 8JB 6 0 52.468368 -0.722744
NN18 8JD 20 0 52.468159 -0.724193
NN18 8JE 5 0 52.469029 -0.72402
NN18 8JG 26 0 52.466675 -0.723338
NN18 8JH 14 0 52.469283 -0.721702
NN18 8JJ 57 0 52.464054 -0.728727
NN18 8JL 46 0 52.46816 -0.721749
NN18 8JN 41 0 52.465491 -0.726875
NN18 8JP 45 0 52.466401 -0.72629
NN18 8JQ 24 0 52.462413 -0.729113
NN18 8JR 34 0 52.464266 -0.726661
NN18 8JS 2 2 52.468785 -0.719112
NN18 8JT 15 0 52.461938 -0.723401
NN18 8JU 12 0 52.463745 -0.728442
NN18 8JW 24 0 52.461274 -0.73025
NN18 8LA 1 1 52.467437 -0.712363
NN18 8LB 59 0 52.472848 -0.714723
NN18 8LD 17 0 52.47274 -0.715521
NN18 8LE 42 0 52.471957 -0.713748
NN18 8LF 34 0 52.470553 -0.710359