all postcodes in NN18 / CORBY

find any address or company within the NN18 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN18 8LG 64 0 52.470955 -0.716721
NN18 8LH 1 1 52.471007 -0.719812
NN18 8LJ 24 0 52.475098 -0.708475
NN18 8LL 72 0 52.475666 -0.706793
NN18 8LN 53 0 52.472947 -0.712998
NN18 8LP 67 0 52.473164 -0.712358
NN18 8LQ 38 0 52.462445 -0.726227
NN18 8LR 37 0 52.461737 -0.725615
NN18 8LS 14 0 52.480346 -0.701458
NN18 8LT 37 0 52.461877 -0.727774
NN18 8LU 51 2 52.470376 -0.721317
NN18 8LW 24 0 52.469554 -0.720163
NN18 8LX 1 1 52.470829 -0.712515
NN18 8LY 1 1 52.485576 -0.684281
NN18 8LZ 69 0 52.471353 -0.711115
NN18 8NA 36 0 52.470286 -0.718051
NN18 8NB 65 0 52.469587 -0.717409
NN18 8ND 15 0 52.473535 -0.711685
NN18 8NE 19 0 52.472957 -0.710656
NN18 8NF 30 0 52.470986 -0.706327