all postcodes in NN18 / CORBY

find any address or company within the NN18 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN18 8NG 49 0 52.469197 -0.716287
NN18 8NH 33 0 52.468827 -0.71777
NN18 8NJ 37 0 52.468704 -0.715595
NN18 8NL 17 0 52.468221 -0.7158
NN18 8NN 6 0 52.4634 -0.725596
NN18 8NP 14 0 52.467981 -0.716837
NN18 8NQ 24 0 52.467631 -0.716097
NN18 8NR 25 0 52.46948 -0.714218
NN18 8NS 8 0 52.46965 -0.7133
NN18 8NT 23 0 52.469231 -0.715226
NN18 8NU 14 0 52.469861 -0.714442
NN18 8NW 66 0 52.472272 -0.708851
NN18 8NX 37 0 52.471388 -0.708597
NN18 8NY 54 0 52.471227 -0.707807
NN18 8NZ 38 0 52.471449 -0.705916
NN18 8PD 26 0 52.472109 -0.707133
NN18 8ZJ 1 0 52.494758 -0.677966
NN18 8ZS 1 1 52.494758 -0.677966
NN18 8PE 33 0 52.469702 -0.705717
NN18 8PH 0 52.471701 -0.698562