all postcodes in NN2 / NORTHAMPTON

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Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN2 6EX 7 0 52.25009 -0.900308
NN2 6EY 33 0 52.250602 -0.899314
NN2 6EZ 21 18 52.250379 -0.89787
NN2 6HA 36 0 52.252735 -0.895028
NN2 6HB 4 0 52.250762 -0.900322
NN2 6HD 1 1 52.252114 -0.899438
NN2 6HE 6 4 52.252132 -0.899438
NN2 6HF 32 3 52.252401 -0.901335
NN2 6HG 18 0 52.251737 -0.901527
NN2 6HH 24 0 52.251347 -0.900145
NN2 6HJ 24 0 52.251383 -0.899236
NN2 6HL 27 1 52.250923 -0.901884
NN2 6HN 27 0 52.250646 -0.902096
NN2 6HP 10 0 52.249479 -0.903312
NN2 6HQ 8 0 52.251962 -0.900805
NN2 6HR 53 0 52.24978 -0.90181
NN2 6HS 23 1 52.250634 -0.900866
NN2 6HT 2 2 52.250853 -0.897257
NN2 6HU 16 0 52.252735 -0.895014
NN2 6HW 42 0 52.250196 -0.90202