all postcodes in NN2 / NORTHAMPTON

find any address or company within the NN2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN2 6LD 12 0 52.255556 -0.891867
NN2 6LE 15 0 52.253854 -0.900025
NN2 6LF 12 0 52.245285 -0.901789
NN2 6LG 12 0 52.245435 -0.90057
NN2 6LJ 30 21 52.252619 -0.901535
NN2 6LN 1 0 52.253904 -0.90565
NN2 6LP 43 2 52.255269 -0.900327
NN2 6LQ 12 0 52.245522 -0.901271
NN2 6LR 33 6 52.257479 -0.900184
NN2 6LS 49 3 52.253309 -0.903261
NN2 6LT 1 1 52.254606 -0.901603
NN2 6LU 30 0 52.261213 -0.903433
NN2 6LW 1 1 52.253424 -0.899171
NN2 6LX 38 0 52.25207 -0.904405
NN2 6LY 21 0 52.253309 -0.905166
NN2 6LZ 28 1 52.254015 -0.90405
NN2 6NA 7 6 52.255425 -0.905847
NN2 6ND 27 0 52.254262 -0.903517
NN2 6NE 14 12 52.255717 -0.906015
NN2 6NF 10 0 52.261187 -0.901602