all postcodes in NN2 / NORTHAMPTON

find any address or company within the NN2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN2 6QZ 4 0 52.260381 -0.905768
NN2 6RD 21 1 52.259916 -0.906996
NN2 6RE 5 0 52.259995 -0.906789
NN2 6RN 20 0 52.252827 -0.89589
NN2 6RP 39 0 52.257856 -0.905904
NN2 6RQ 29 0 52.259206 -0.906075
NN2 6WB 1 1 52.247714 -0.811909
NN2 6WT 1 0 52.247714 -0.811909
NN2 6XR 1 0 52.247714 -0.811909
NN2 6YZ 1 0 52.247714 -0.811909
NN2 6DZ 0 52.249587 -0.900394
NN2 6LH 0 52.252993 -0.898303
NN2 6LL 0 52.252506 -0.899047
NN2 6WY 1 52.247714 -0.811909
NN2 6WP 1 52.247714 -0.811909
NN2 6PT 0 52.259211 -0.90297
NN2 6PS 0 52.260393 -0.901284
NN2 6PU 10 0 52.261913 -0.903533
NN2 6FA 0 52.250443 -0.900578
NN2 6FB 0 52.251504 -0.891001