all postcodes in NP11 / NEWPORT

find any address or company within the NP11 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP11 6DJ 21 0 51.609664 -3.103998
NP11 6DL 13 0 51.607917 -3.105241
NP11 6DN 17 1 51.607465 -3.105577
NP11 6DP 1 1 51.610407 -3.105331
NP11 6DQ 6 0 51.609048 -3.105514
NP11 6DR 4 2 51.612314 -3.109984
NP11 6EA 20 0 51.604038 -3.093205
NP11 6EB 32 0 51.603887 -3.091975
NP11 6ED 12 0 51.604491 -3.091873
NP11 6EE 33 13 51.603144 -3.092946
NP11 6EY 10 2 51.602041 -3.089671
NP11 6EF 44 1 51.604199 -3.090408
NP11 6EG 25 0 51.604567 -3.089478
NP11 6EH 12 0 51.602371 -3.0897
NP11 6EJ 22 0 51.600731 -3.089054
NP11 6EL 6 0 51.597816 -3.092472
NP11 6EN 14 0 51.598725 -3.092125
NP11 6EP 11 0 51.598974 -3.096304
NP11 6EQ 6 0 51.59815 -3.098781
NP11 6ER 1 0 51.604454 -3.102587