all postcodes in NP11 / NEWPORT

find any address or company within the NP11 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP11 6FY 5 0 51.620026 -3.090152
NP11 6FZ 2 0 51.61389 -3.093754
NP11 6GA 31 0 51.612056 -3.097341
NP11 6GB 4 0 51.61274 -3.097199
NP11 6GD 19 0 51.614004 -3.10536
NP11 6GE 15 0 51.612238 -3.101866
NP11 6GF 2 1 51.614553 -3.105628
NP11 6GP 18 2 51.61314 -3.104487
NP11 6GG 32 0 51.614877 -3.108039
NP11 6GH 4 2 51.605455 -3.071204
NP11 6GJ 40 1 51.615199 -3.109202
NP11 6GL 39 0 51.613961 -3.106096
NP11 6GN 56 1 51.612419 -3.103661
NP11 6GQ 33 8 51.612827 -3.103281
NP11 6GR 36 0 51.611841 -3.102001
NP11 6GS 5 0 51.614764 -3.105171
NP11 6GT 5 0 51.61462 -3.104826
NP11 6GU 11 2 51.615256 -3.10607
NP11 6GW 4 0 51.615009 -3.104605
NP11 6GY 16 1 51.61811 -3.107569