all postcodes in NP11 / NEWPORT

find any address or company within the NP11 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP11 6GZ 1 0 51.626112 -3.104759
NP11 6HA 1 0 51.618511 -3.111739
NP11 6HB 46 1 51.613467 -3.103166
NP11 6HD 14 0 51.612971 -3.099472
NP11 6HE 14 0 51.613481 -3.1036
NP11 6HJ 45 7 51.610844 -3.091333
NP11 6HL 20 0 51.610345 -3.091783
NP11 6HN 40 0 51.611353 -3.092032
NP11 6HP 34 0 51.611549 -3.094758
NP11 6HQ 18 0 51.610867 -3.09659
NP11 6HR 32 0 51.611148 -3.09729
NP11 6HS 40 0 51.611478 -3.098497
NP11 6HT 31 0 51.610567 -3.096886
NP11 6HU 43 0 51.612093 -3.094352
NP11 6HW 49 0 51.611542 -3.091638
NP11 6HX 46 0 51.612576 -3.093584
NP11 6HY 48 0 51.612082 -3.091637
NP11 6HZ 36 0 51.611917 -3.089986
NP11 6JA 4 0 51.610165 -3.087952
NP11 6JB 6 0 51.614218 -3.085275