all postcodes in NP11 / NEWPORT

find any address or company within the NP11 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP11 3LS 33 0 51.678097 -3.165714
NP11 3NJ 4 0 51.678754 -3.162925
NP11 3NP 13 0 51.665829 -3.157865
NP11 3NQ 41 0 51.666572 -3.157234
NP11 3NR 10 0 51.6665 -3.165488
NP11 3NS 3 0 51.667335 -3.165567
NP11 3NT 1 0 51.662105 -3.165231
NP11 3QH 3 1 51.679517 -3.138255
NP11 3PE 7 1 51.67967 -3.137333
NP11 3PF 1 1 51.679784 -3.138579
NP11 3PG 10 0 51.680101 -3.138269
NP11 3PH 23 0 51.681887 -3.139616
NP11 3PJ 21 0 51.681848 -3.13989
NP11 3PA 1 0 51.680573 -3.140624
NP11 3PL 7 3 51.680394 -3.138921
NP11 3PN 4 0 51.679308 -3.14214
NP11 3QF 25 1 51.679296 -3.145235
NP11 3QG 3 0 51.68242 -3.14028
NP11 3RH 18 1 51.668263 -3.148991
NP11 3RJ 1 0 51.667708 -3.156033