all postcodes in NP11 / NEWPORT

find any address or company within the NP11 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP11 4ET 34 20 51.665375 -3.144508
NP11 4EU 5 0 51.665413 -3.144547
NP11 4EW 2 2 51.665262 -3.144282
NP11 4EX 7 4 51.665432 -3.144235
NP11 4EY 14 5 51.665057 -3.144133
NP11 4EZ 10 7 51.664808 -3.144792
NP11 4FB 26 1 51.664176 -3.143957
NP11 4FD 28 0 51.664055 -3.14433
NP11 4FE 9 0 51.663468 -3.143679
NP11 4FF 6 0 51.663768 -3.145205
NP11 4FG 25 1 51.664227 -3.145202
NP11 4FH 19 8 51.664445 -3.146769
NP11 4FJ 2 0 51.663953 -3.14759
NP11 4FL 12 4 51.66428 -3.146143
NP11 4FN 22 0 51.663725 -3.146838
NP11 4FP 17 1 51.663437 -3.147813
NP11 4FQ 1 0 51.664068 -3.1513
NP11 4FR 2 0 51.66404 -3.151568
NP11 4FS 2 0 51.663962 -3.152246
NP11 4FT 4 0 51.663949 -3.152439