all postcodes in NP11 / NEWPORT

find any address or company within the NP11 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP11 3XG 1 1 51.693273 -3.163123
NP11 3AN 45 0 51.681733 -3.166212
NP11 3AD 15 0 51.681656 -3.167671
NP11 3EG 1 0 51.672412 -3.153116
NP11 3AE 2 0 51.695801 -3.150492
NP11 4QB 13 0 51.678632 -3.1414
NP11 4RX 4 3 51.670496 -3.152498
NP11 4AA 1 1 51.647768 -3.137286
NP11 4AB 30 5 51.672713 -3.141642
NP11 4AD 20 0 51.670164 -3.142185
NP11 4AE 31 1 51.668717 -3.143002
NP11 4AF 20 0 51.673888 -3.141093
NP11 4AN 1 0 51.676114 -3.141438
NP11 4EG 11 9 51.684087 -3.163741
NP11 4EL 76 0 51.661337 -3.161973
NP11 4EN 26 0 51.66035 -3.163653
NP11 4EP 16 0 51.667242 -3.143919
NP11 4EQ 2 0 51.667067 -3.144559
NP11 4ER 31 1 51.666285 -3.144401
NP11 4ES 20 0 51.666687 -3.144613