all postcodes in NP7 / CRICKHOWELL

find any address or company within the NP7 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP7 7DU 0 51.826819 -3.028549
NP7 7DW 0 51.826043 -3.025803
NP7 7DY 0 51.82702 -3.028277
NP7 7EA 0 51.826171 -3.029236
NP7 7EB 0 51.828098 -3.030348
NP7 7ED 0 51.827862 -3.029588
NP7 7EE 0 51.825948 -3.029428
NP7 7EG 1 51.82445 -3.034241
NP7 7EH 0 51.826285 -3.035754
NP7 7EL 1 51.826997 -3.038057
NP7 7EN 0 51.829451 -3.041147
NP7 7EP 0 51.831199 -3.057374
NP7 7ER 0 51.835717 -3.070231
NP7 7ES 0 51.835933 -3.064329
NP7 7ET 0 51.838164 -3.067712
NP7 7EU 0 51.833538 -3.057713
NP7 7EW 1 51.830973 -3.043895
NP7 7EY 0 51.833882 -3.049405
NP7 7HA 0 51.832993 -3.041141
NP7 7HE 0 51.833903 -3.041032