all postcodes in NP7 / CRICKHOWELL

find any address or company within the NP7 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP7 7LR 0 51.883125 -3.046629
NP7 7LS 0 51.883099 -3.041412
NP7 7LT 0 51.890461 -3.037601
NP7 7LU 0 51.903075 -3.042404
NP7 7LW 0 51.878337 -3.060159
NP7 7LY 0 51.926251 -3.079975
NP7 7NA 0 51.885556 -3.022755
NP7 7NB 0 51.88342 -2.997121
NP7 7ND 0 51.889755 -3.001795
NP7 7NE 1 51.89052 -3.004864
NP7 7NF 0 51.897321 -3.020188
NP7 7NG 0 51.912175 -3.033493
NP7 7NH 0 51.924688 -3.029636
NP7 7NL 0 51.934932 -3.029361
NP7 7NN 2 51.945034 -3.040024
NP7 7NP 2 51.979895 -3.09137
NP7 7NR 0 51.909377 -3.023383
NP7 7NS 0 51.904496 -3.025351
NP7 7NT 0 51.904714 -3.016751
NP7 7NU 0 51.902221 -3.006279