all postcodes in NP7 / CRICKHOWELL

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Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP7 7HF 0 51.830511 -3.039154
NP7 7HG 0 51.836141 -3.035016
NP7 7HH 0 51.83407 -3.029149
NP7 7HL 0 51.833122 -3.027575
NP7 7HN 0 51.840581 -3.013462
NP7 7HR 1 51.852089 -3.015265
NP7 7HS 1 51.856071 -3.014725
NP7 7HT 0 51.840485 -3.017263
NP7 7HU 0 51.841879 -3.035772
NP7 7HY 0 51.840356 -3.028558
NP7 7LA 1 51.839148 -3.057386
NP7 7LB 0 51.872378 -2.999404
NP7 7LD 0 51.872444 -2.998554
NP7 7LE 0 51.863031 -3.006269
NP7 7LF 0 51.862692 -3.021641
NP7 7LG 0 51.868087 -3.021574
NP7 7LH 0 51.874709 -3.031042
NP7 7LL 0 51.879738 -3.033714
NP7 7LN 0 51.879721 -3.043194
NP7 7LP 0 51.894388 -3.056003