all postcodes in NP7 / CRICKHOWELL

find any address or company within the NP7 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP7 9DN 1 51.74944 -2.968562
NP7 9DP 1 51.746559 -2.962136
NP7 9DR 0 51.745817 -2.952777
NP7 9DS 0 51.748831 -2.94627
NP7 9DT 0 51.754297 -2.947002
NP7 9DU 0 51.758058 -2.945573
NP7 9DW 1 51.750027 -2.974421
NP7 9DY 0 51.760073 -2.948803
NP7 9EA 0 51.758919 -2.945867
NP7 9EB 1 51.781129 -3.0058
NP7 9ED 0 51.777801 -2.987398
NP7 9EF 0 51.768675 -2.988431
NP7 9EY 1 51.767795 -2.997287
NP7 9EG 0 51.760927 -2.990203
NP7 9EH 0 51.757692 -2.989017
NP7 9EL 0 51.758103 -2.997835
NP7 9EN 0 51.762473 -2.995068
NP7 9EP 0 51.757302 -3.012537
NP7 9ER 1 51.759956 -3.028367
NP7 9ES 0 51.767436 -3.014576