all postcodes in NP7 / CRICKHOWELL

find any address or company within the NP7 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP7 9NU 0 51.821048 -3.050775
NP7 9NW 0 51.814961 -3.0321
NP7 9NX 0 51.815597 -3.031746
NP7 9NY 3 51.81639 -3.05945
NP7 9NZ 0 51.813452 -3.02823
NP7 9PA 0 51.817041 -3.056427
NP7 9PB 0 51.811264 -3.046878
NP7 9PD 0 51.816499 -3.060796
NP7 9PE 0 51.817476 -3.045034
NP7 9PF 0 51.818963 -3.052257
NP7 9PG 0 51.820645 -3.063563
NP7 9PH 0 51.818198 -3.060792
NP7 9PJ 0 51.820596 -3.062111
NP7 9PL 0 51.818482 -3.062206
NP7 9PN 0 51.817748 -3.061841
NP7 9PP 0 51.819468 -3.062519
NP7 9PQ 0 51.819332 -3.065606
NP7 9PR 0 51.819913 -3.06401
NP7 9PS 0 51.819513 -3.059503
NP7 9PT 1 51.818652 -3.063327