all postcodes in NP7 / CRICKHOWELL

find any address or company within the NP7 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP7 9LS 0 51.812673 -3.030997
NP7 9LT 0 51.812915 -3.032047
NP7 9LU 0 51.813045 -3.03313
NP7 9LX 0 51.814282 -3.035096
NP7 9LY 0 51.811477 -3.03303
NP7 9NA 0 51.810668 -3.031981
NP7 9NB 0 51.811141 -3.031868
NP7 9ND 0 51.809971 -3.033488
NP7 9NE 0 51.812945 -3.034274
NP7 9NF 1 51.811708 -3.034927
NP7 9NG 1 51.811306 -3.039176
NP7 9NH 0 51.813962 -3.033696
NP7 9NJ 0 51.813312 -3.028879
NP7 9NL 0 51.814598 -3.033426
NP7 9NN 0 51.81431 -3.03292
NP7 9NP 0 51.814664 -3.032508
NP7 9NQ 0 51.813728 -3.02857
NP7 9NR 0 51.814479 -3.032727
NP7 9NS 0 51.813623 -3.033325
NP7 9NT 0 51.816022 -3.062401