all postcodes in NP7 / CRICKHOWELL

find any address or company within the NP7 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP7 0ER 10 0 51.82156 -3.106705
NP7 0ES 7 0 51.821963 -3.106504
NP7 0ET 7 0 51.821486 -3.107421
NP7 0EU 13 0 51.821278 -3.108019
NP7 0EW 5 0 51.825028 -3.104708
NP7 0EX 29 0 51.833349 -3.095079
NP7 0EY 13 0 51.820685 -3.110862
NP7 0HA 14 0 51.818866 -3.111166
NP7 0HD 11 0 51.817619 -3.114602
NP7 0HF 19 0 51.820018 -3.116722
NP7 0HG 19 1 51.828555 -3.116295
NP7 0HH 4 0 51.820869 -3.132021
NP7 0HL 5 0 51.817818 -3.090524
NP7 0HN 9 0 51.81879 -3.101951
NP7 0HP 15 0 51.816775 -3.100719
NP7 0HR 2 0 51.815948 -3.110274
NP7 0HS 7 0 51.813113 -3.099463
NP7 0HT 8 0 51.816309 -3.119111
NP7 0HU 2 0 51.809042 -3.12635
NP7 0HW 14 0 51.82091 -3.100334