all postcodes in NR10 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR10 5PN 3 0 52.764502 1.257149
NR10 5PP 5 0 52.767159 1.254031
NR10 5PQ 11 3 52.760607 1.257481
NR10 5PR 18 9 52.767979 1.254641
NR10 5PS 10 1 52.770056 1.255963
NR10 5PT 26 1 52.77222 1.251828
NR10 5PU 5 0 52.775246 1.25985
NR10 5PW 6 0 52.764869 1.255575
NR10 5PX 1 0 52.77446 1.256395
NR10 5PY 38 0 52.768262 1.253827
NR10 5PZ 49 0 52.768432 1.251245
NR10 5QA 19 2 52.769337 1.246434
NR10 5QB 6 0 52.770411 1.248609
NR10 5QE 3 0 52.76866 1.236009
NR10 5QD 8 0 52.768821 1.238018
NR10 5QF 3 0 52.772466 1.23298
NR10 5QG 7 0 52.768015 1.236253
NR10 5QH 1 0 52.76813 1.211514
NR10 5QJ 3 0 52.762936 1.209383
NR10 5QP 30 0 52.74585 1.235439