all postcodes in NR13 / NORWICH

find any address or company within the NR13 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR13 5BE 4 0 52.647683 1.365233
NR13 5BH 42 0 52.647618 1.371047
NR13 5BJ 7 0 52.648181 1.368651
NR13 5BL 12 0 52.648736 1.371252
NR13 5BN 16 0 52.650154 1.368847
NR13 5BP 12 0 52.649358 1.372482
NR13 5BQ 26 0 52.649096 1.363989
NR13 5BS 33 0 52.648949 1.36726
NR13 5BT 67 0 52.651542 1.366188
NR13 5BU 15 0 52.650545 1.371849
NR13 5BW 30 0 52.650348 1.367398
NR13 5BX 2 1 52.652437 1.378612
NR13 5BY 14 4 52.655477 1.385872
NR13 5BZ 5 0 52.656742 1.383804
NR13 5DA 9 0 52.653956 1.386236
NR13 5DB 1 0 52.64575 1.393911
NR13 5DD 9 0 52.64201 1.396386
NR13 5DE 26 0 52.652054 1.37096
NR13 5DF 11 0 52.652102 1.369292
NR13 5DG 50 0 52.652915 1.368216