all postcodes in NR25 / HOLT

find any address or company within the NR25 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR25 7DF 6 0 52.953009 1.009059
NR25 7DG 14 1 52.933384 0.986041
NR25 7DQ 40 0 52.928448 0.987427
NR25 7DS 1 0 52.923288 1.074357
NR25 7DT 2 0 52.915055 1.102234
NR25 7DU 1 0 52.914767 1.090802
NR25 7DX 4 0 52.914509 1.084178
NR25 7DY 2 0 52.922383 1.086375
NR25 7DZ 23 10 52.925191 1.064061
NR25 7EA 5 0 52.934337 1.074143
NR25 7EB 11 0 52.931763 1.09054
NR25 7ED 2 1 52.942716 1.114649
NR25 7EE 2 0 52.942772 1.11492
NR25 7EL 39 0 52.940452 1.113518
NR25 7EF 2 0 52.942692 1.115897
NR25 7EG 5 2 52.942048 1.12124
NR25 7EH 3 0 52.941937 1.133617
NR25 7HA 3 0 52.942024 1.113929
NR25 7EN 4 0 52.937328 1.11127
NR25 7EP 1 0 52.922404 1.105214