all postcodes in NR25 / HOLT

find any address or company within the NR25 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR25 7EQ 36 0 52.940862 1.128032
NR25 7ER 4 2 52.927404 1.114158
NR25 7ET 6 0 52.943529 1.143454
NR25 7EU 8 0 52.943078 1.143525
NR25 7EW 13 4 52.932679 1.107453
NR25 7EX 8 1 52.944352 1.14329
NR25 7EY 18 0 52.942675 1.144136
NR25 7EZ 5 0 52.94801 1.149154
NR25 7HE 22 0 52.941683 1.141161
NR25 7HF 4 0 52.94134 1.141925
NR25 7HG 6 0 52.941637 1.142929
NR25 7HH 24 0 52.942125 1.143158
NR25 7HJ 47 0 52.940298 1.145601
NR25 7HL 42 0 52.940315 1.141553
NR25 7HN 2 1 52.933164 1.150502
NR25 7HP 13 1 52.94244 1.141454
NR25 7HQ 23 0 52.940335 1.143847
NR25 7HW 15 2 52.929757 1.152099
NR25 7JA 4 0 52.909743 1.068875
NR25 7JB 3 0 52.907489 1.061457