all postcodes in NR25 / HOLT

find any address or company within the NR25 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR25 7JD 2 0 52.905566 1.059983
NR25 7JE 4 0 52.903541 1.060733
NR25 7JF 9 0 52.903155 1.060363
NR25 7JG 2 0 52.896709 1.056474
NR25 7JH 1 0 52.904121 1.058482
NR25 7JJ 3 1 52.903573 1.042366
NR25 7JL 23 0 52.912199 1.058041
NR25 7JN 5 1 52.923394 1.047208
NR25 7JP 23 8 52.931869 1.037609
NR25 7JR 6 0 52.931583 1.040015
NR25 7JS 2 0 52.924997 1.03064
NR25 7JT 1 0 52.916652 1.010836
NR25 7AX 2 0 52.915206 1.036889
NR25 7JU 1 0 52.918506 1.027717
NR25 7JW 1 0 52.92414 1.040595
NR25 7JX 4 1 52.912403 1.015242
NR25 7JY 5 0 52.914842 1.01306
NR25 7JZ 3 0 52.916352 1.011663
NR25 7LA 4 0 52.917466 1.013838
NR25 7LB 1 0 52.915522 1.010341