all postcodes in NR2 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR2 2BL 54 1 52.624837 1.281107
NR2 2BN 56 0 52.625444 1.282232
NR2 2BP 16 0 52.625929 1.280938
NR2 2BQ 45 0 52.624411 1.280248
NR2 2BS 38 0 52.626016 1.281698
NR2 2BT 1 1 52.626015 1.280403
NR2 2BU 18 0 52.620651 1.27311
NR2 2BW 58 0 52.625459 1.281361
NR2 2BX 10 0 52.620999 1.269973
NR2 2BY 8 0 52.620269 1.279775
NR2 2DA 1 1 52.619401 1.280582
NR2 2DB 8 0 52.62034 1.27947
NR2 2DF 15 1 52.619108 1.278181
NR2 2DG 26 0 52.619814 1.279313
NR2 2DH 28 0 52.620477 1.277766
NR2 2DJ 26 0 52.622336 1.276235
NR2 2DL 37 0 52.621434 1.277956
NR2 2DN 53 1 52.622034 1.27741
NR2 2DP 66 1 52.621813 1.281502
NR2 2DQ 20 1 52.62164 1.276065