all postcodes in NR3 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR3 1BQ 5 52.633128 1.295712
NR3 1BS 0 52.63478 1.295466
NR3 1BT 0 52.634646 1.294155
NR3 1BU 0 52.634045 1.294081
NR3 1BW 1 52.633556 1.295522
NR3 1BX 1 52.633955 1.293764
NR3 1BY 1 52.633913 1.294647
NR3 1BZ 0 52.633649 1.294746
NR3 1DA 2 52.633775 1.294119
NR3 1DB 1 52.633062 1.293223
NR3 1DD 5 52.632845 1.293606
NR3 1DE 4 52.635956 1.292915
NR3 1DF 5 52.636093 1.292239
NR3 1DH 0 52.634401 1.294891
NR3 1DJ 12 52.633943 1.293488
NR3 1DL 0 52.634272 1.292398
NR3 1DS 1 52.636854 1.291394
NR3 1DT 1 52.637097 1.293349
NR3 1DU 1 52.635535 1.293247
NR3 1DY 7 52.636134 1.294666