all postcodes in NR3 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR3 1RF 5 52.631138 1.299279
NR3 1RG 1 52.633101 1.300165
NR3 1RJ 4 52.63548 1.300368
NR3 1RN 3 52.633609 1.300389
NR3 1RQ 0 52.632985 1.298569
NR3 1RR 0 52.63308 1.299049
NR3 1RS 0 52.632831 1.298631
NR3 1RT 6 52.632587 1.299307
NR3 1RU 1 52.634867 1.30044
NR3 1RW 1 52.633487 1.301518
NR3 1RY 0 52.633677 1.302154
NR3 1RZ 1 52.633831 1.303082
NR3 1SB 1 52.633024 1.30169
NR3 1SD 1 52.64771 1.322937
NR3 1SE 2 52.633973 1.298303
NR3 1SF 0 52.634821 1.298189
NR3 1SH 1 52.635048 1.30137
NR3 1SJ 1 52.635103 1.299053
NR3 1SL 1 52.635274 1.301003
NR3 1SN 0 52.636064 1.29812