all postcodes in NR3 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR3 1GX 0 52.637919 1.297077
NR3 1HE 3 52.630831 1.298406
NR3 1HF 11 52.631415 1.298746
NR3 1HG 14 52.631911 1.297084
NR3 1HJ 0 52.632443 1.297035
NR3 1HL 0 52.63137 1.298122
NR3 1HN 7 52.631284 1.296696
NR3 1HP 0 52.631575 1.297856
NR3 1HQ 2 52.631875 1.297435
NR3 1HR 3 52.631946 1.298106
NR3 1HS 0 52.634273 1.296256
NR3 1HU 10 52.634072 1.296617
NR3 1HW 0 52.631479 1.296474
NR3 1HX 1 52.63356 1.296661
NR3 1HY 7 52.632542 1.297382
NR3 1HZ 1 52.633028 1.296657
NR3 1JD 10 52.638021 1.296642
NR3 1JE 6 52.634949 1.296136
NR3 1JF 0 52.636238 1.296351
NR3 1JG 3 52.638749 1.295395