all postcodes in NR3 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR3 4BN 0 52.645865 1.296611
NR3 4BP 29 0 52.646032 1.299655
NR3 4BQ 11 1 52.645 1.296989
NR3 4BS 33 0 52.645719 1.300548
NR3 4BT 8 0 52.645881 1.298608
NR3 4BU 29 0 52.645002 1.298202
NR3 4BW 5 0 52.64685 1.296744
NR3 4BX 1 1 52.646967 1.298025
NR3 4BY 19 0 52.647994 1.297022
NR3 4BZ 15 0 52.649702 1.297994
NR3 4DB 6 0 52.65279 1.298227
NR3 4DE 22 0 52.651715 1.299684
NR3 4DF 4 0 52.651885 1.300687
NR3 4DG 14 1 52.65147 1.298793
NR3 4DH 15 0 52.651752 1.29803
NR3 4DN 10 0 52.652921 1.300292
NR3 4DP 53 0 52.652025 1.306938
NR3 4DQ 14 0 52.651275 1.298024
NR3 4DR 7 0 52.652576 1.306158
NR3 4DS 29 0 52.651445 1.309009