all postcodes in NR3 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR3 4EW 42 0 52.648866 1.309288
NR3 4EZ 1 1 52.64771 1.322937
NR3 4HA 29 2 52.651495 1.301116
NR3 4HB 29 0 52.651511 1.301842
NR3 4HD 12 0 52.650102 1.301736
NR3 4HE 10 0 52.650702 1.302121
NR3 4HF 29 0 52.650471 1.303642
NR3 4HG 31 0 52.651773 1.304376
NR3 4HH 9 0 52.652216 1.30299
NR3 4HJ 11 0 52.649535 1.302078
NR3 4HL 2 0 52.646806 1.30763
NR3 4HN 13 0 52.648968 1.303691
NR3 4HP 1 1 52.64771 1.322937
NR3 4HQ 10 0 52.651468 1.303066
NR3 4HT 12 7 52.646599 1.303104
NR3 4HW 22 0 52.649015 1.304582
NR3 4HX 2 2 52.645219 1.302616
NR3 4HY 28 0 52.647564 1.305262
NR3 4HZ 10 1 52.64663 1.303988
NR3 4JA 27 1 52.645685 1.302423