all postcodes in NR3 / NORWICH

find any address or company within the NR3 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR3 4DT 49 4 52.650766 1.308219
NR3 4DU 40 0 52.651036 1.306938
NR3 4DW 28 0 52.653256 1.29699
NR3 4DX 25 0 52.650253 1.306642
NR3 4DY 11 6 52.650997 1.309271
NR3 4EB 21 5 52.649786 1.308219
NR3 4ED 16 3 52.648387 1.307418
NR3 4EE 22 0 52.650265 1.310044
NR3 4EF 55 0 52.650634 1.310708
NR3 4EG 43 0 52.650169 1.31187
NR3 4EH 8 0 52.648678 1.306671
NR3 4EJ 11 0 52.649162 1.306722
NR3 4EL 7 0 52.64834 1.306217
NR3 4EN 49 0 52.648745 1.30845
NR3 4EP 57 0 52.647987 1.30724
NR3 4EQ 42 0 52.649496 1.311198
NR3 4ER 20 0 52.649708 1.307458
NR3 4ES 18 0 52.649287 1.30997
NR3 4ET 39 0 52.649553 1.310434
NR3 4EU 12 0 52.65034 1.309