all postcodes in NR30 / GREAT YARMOUTH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR30 1DB 11 5 52.61389 1.727299
NR30 1DE 32 0 52.613733 1.727995
NR30 1DF 3 0 52.613803 1.728909
NR30 1DG 35 0 52.613394 1.729332
NR30 1DH 11 2 52.613312 1.727102
NR30 1DJ 44 0 52.612976 1.728625
NR30 1DL 21 0 52.612073 1.728445
NR30 1DN 6 0 52.612296 1.728789
NR30 1DP 32 0 52.613383 1.729694
NR30 1DQ 18 0 52.61334 1.728774
NR30 1DS 12 0 52.612522 1.727035
NR30 1DU 42 0 52.610162 1.733986
NR30 1DW 30 0 52.612381 1.729801
NR30 1DX 10 0 52.609787 1.733909
NR30 1DY 7 2 52.60966 1.735657
NR30 1DZ 8 1 52.610163 1.736527
NR30 1EA 1 1 52.610156 1.736187
NR30 1EB 1 1 52.610147 1.737043
NR30 1ED 4 4 52.611828 1.737364
NR30 1EE 13 3 52.610891 1.736264