all postcodes in NW1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW1 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW1 7DB 38 4 51.539917 -0.146928
NW1 7DE 75 5 51.540707 -0.147628
NW1 7DH 1 1 51.53968 -0.147468
NW1 7DJ 6 2 51.539872 -0.147676
NW1 7DL 62 4 51.539386 -0.146387
NW1 7DN 12 0 51.535494 -0.140371
NW1 7DS 36 0 51.53812 -0.145513
NW1 7DT 1 1 51.540174 -0.147462
NW1 7DZ 1 1 51.541032 -0.14711
NW1 7EA 70 12 51.538829 -0.147535
NW1 7EB 4 0 51.53913 -0.147205
NW1 7ED 13 0 51.538779 -0.146812
NW1 7EE 15 0 51.538226 -0.146546
NW1 7EG 25 0 51.538858 -0.146088
NW1 7EJ 1 1 51.533441 -0.139618
NW1 7EP 6 2 51.538991 -0.148105
NW1 7ER 42 0 51.5348 -0.140875
NW1 7ES 54 0 51.535875 -0.141754
NW1 7ET 45 0 51.537436 -0.143204
NW1 7EX 1 1 51.53802 -0.1437