all postcodes in NW1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW1 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW1 7NR 54 0 51.5358 -0.142637
NW1 7NU 32 0 51.534576 -0.141461
NW1 7NW 12 0 51.536593 -0.142622
NW1 7NY 1 1 51.530784 -0.13543
NW1 7NZ 8 0 51.534058 -0.141107
NW1 7PE 1 1 51.539525 -0.147373
NW1 7PG 41 6 51.53858 -0.143331
NW1 7PJ 1 1 51.539071 -0.143066
NW1 7PN 21 12 51.538189 -0.144198
NW1 7PP 46 13 51.537211 -0.145434
NW1 7PS 21 4 51.536237 -0.146397
NW1 7PU 1 1 51.536955 -0.145199
NW1 7PX 9 1 51.535519 -0.145935
NW1 7PY 8 0 51.534799 -0.144768
NW1 7PZ 8 0 51.534041 -0.144006
NW1 7QA 12 0 51.534486 -0.142575
NW1 7QB 24 0 51.534946 -0.14253
NW1 7QD 27 1 51.535224 -0.142098
NW1 7QE 5 0 51.534966 -0.141676
NW1 7QH 48 0 51.533131 -0.143884