all postcodes in NW1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW1 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW1 7ZR 1 0 51.530784 -0.13543
NW1 7EU 0 51.537288 -0.146339
NW1 7HS 5 5 51.53779 -0.142829
NW1 7FL 1 1 51.530784 -0.13543
NW1 7AE 0 51.536755 -0.147356
NW1 7FB 1 51.533441 -0.139618
NW1 7QY 1 51.533441 -0.139618
NW1 7BF 85 0 51.540009 -0.148392
NW1 7BJ 85 0 51.540009 -0.148392
NW1 7HH 0 51.539592 -0.144732
NW1 7AW 1 51.533441 -0.139618
NW1 7LH 1 1 51.535143 -0.139823
NW1 7BS 100 0 51.535494 -0.140371