all postcodes in NW11 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW11 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW11 7JT 3 0 51.578221 -0.190108
NW11 7JX 2 0 51.578048 -0.190884
NW11 7JY 1 0 51.578324 -0.191518
NW11 7LA 4 0 51.578312 -0.191894
NW11 7LB 4 0 51.577659 -0.191545
NW11 7LD 8 0 51.576984 -0.191514
NW11 7LE 1 0 51.574911 -0.188656
NW11 7LG 15 0 51.576011 -0.189676
NW11 7LH 1 0 51.576545 -0.189843
NW11 7LJ 5 0 51.577107 -0.188998
NW11 7LL 1 0 51.577578 -0.188661
NW11 7LN 8 0 51.57806 -0.189339
NW11 7LP 3 0 51.577295 -0.189524
NW11 7LR 9 0 51.577352 -0.190879
NW11 7LS 6 0 51.577632 -0.190377
NW11 7NA 4 0 51.577119 -0.196199
NW11 7NB 9 0 51.577246 -0.196843
NW11 7ND 10 1 51.577055 -0.196735
NW11 7NE 3 2 51.576341 -0.196489
NW11 7NG 5 1 51.576224 -0.196465